New Website and contact information

November 17, 2010 by

We welcome you to visit our new website at

To contact the Kelowna Area Cycling Coalition send an email to

Hope to see you at a meeting, event or out cycling.


Kelowna Critical Mass 2010

March 22, 2010 by

What is up with Critical Mass in Kelowna?
This blog has seen a lot of hits regarding the topic.

Years ago there was a small but regular group that met at the Sails on the last Friday of the month around 5pm to bike around and make noise.

Not sure what is happening now but hopefully there are some people out there that are keeping the flame alive.

Leave a comment if you know of a ride.


First ride of 2010

March 22, 2010 by

The Coalition managed to get out for a group ride yesterday March 21st. Wonder how many other bike groups chose that day to get out for a ride.

We explored options for riding between Rutland and Downtown. While it was a Sunday there was still a bunch of traffic. There was some bike lane narrowing from time to time and a few stretches that needed sweeping.

We could have used a route along the railway for at least half of it if only the corporation would cooperate.

Where is Kelowna’s Rails to Trails project now? Ask your local politician.


You want ME to do what?

April 18, 2009 by


Volunteers needed

April 8, 2009 by

bicyclrodeo0Do you like kids?

Do you like bikes and tools?

Here is a chance to put those together.

It is Bicycle Rodeo season again! As a lead up to Bike to School / Work weeks the city is hosting bike rodeos at select schools through out the district.

The Kelowna Area Cycling Coalition will be helping out with these great events as they did last year.

Contact Mike Kittmer at city hall if you are interested and to find out more.
or visit

A Bike Rodeo is usually a bicycle safety clinic featuring bike safety inspections (and optionally quick tune-ups), and a safety lecture about the rules of the road (10 to 15 minutes). This is followed by a ride on a miniature “chalk street” course set up in a parking lot where young cyclists are shown where and how to apply the rules. Optional activities include Helmet fitting, prizes and drawings, and in some cases commercial activities such as booths set up by bike shops etc.

The main focus of a bike rodeo is Cycling Safety for young cyclists, ages kindergarten to 14 or so.

April 2009 Meeting info

April 8, 2009 by

Hello Everyone,

Apologies for the change of plans. We are now holding out next KACC meeting Thursday April 16th at Doug’s workplace.

BMO boardroom at 1484 Water Street (side door entrance) at 5:25pm.

Lots of good news to discuss. Please let Tony or myself know about any agenda items you would like to add.



Next meeting

March 10, 2009 by

Thursday, March 12th 5:30 pm Bean Scene Meeting room

These are a few of my favourite things

March 10, 2009 by

Son of a gun it was cold last night. Biking east-west was like biking up hill both ways. Sometime in the future remember it was -20 in the second week of March.

Part of my regular route these days is Burtch Ave, Guisachan Rd, Stillingfleet, Cameron and Morrison. There is a wonderful pedestrian crossing at Gordon and Cameron that could use a bicycle friendly light activation switch. I am going to ask the city for one.

Do you have a favourite route you would like others to know about? Write us and we will post it on the web and share it with others riders. Who know maybe the city will make it even safer.

There is a BIKE SWAP this weekend

March 5, 2009 by

There is a BIKE SWAP this weekend……buy yourself a new used bike…sell your old one….add a bike to your fleet.

the Details…..
Consignment of goods-Friday March 6 @4-8pm Rutland Senior Secondary

The SALE- Saturday March 7 @10-4 pm Rutland Senior Secondary

Pick up of CA$H or goods-Saturday March 7 @ 4-6pm Rutland Senior Secondary

I will be puting in the Rock -a Billy and the Woody…also a Nirve Island Flower up for taking as well…..come to check them out.

The sale will have road bikes…tri bikes…mountain bikes….cruisers…kids bikes…plus some 08 Deals from your local bike stores participating..

Assume all drivers want to kill you

January 21, 2009 by

Here is an article about biking in winter from the Montreal Gazette.

Thanks to Dylan in Mtl for the story.

Keep up the good work on your site.